Saturday, January 23, 2010

How to slow down, or even better, stop my nail growth??

it's annoying!! i hate filing my nails all the time!!How to slow down, or even better, stop my nail growth??
The only way to completely stop nail growth is to have the doctor remove the nails and destroy the nail bed. I don't think that's a very good option. The rate at which your nails grow is different from person to person, and I believe it has a lot to do with your individual genetic makeup, so I don't think there is anything you can do to slow it down. Sorry.How to slow down, or even better, stop my nail growth??
as long as you are shedding dead skin cells, your nails are going to grow. Actually, even after you are dead your hair and nails keep growing until your skin is gone.
Girl!!! I am sooo jealous I cant get mine to grow for sh*t they crack and peal or just break off. I would trade you in a heart beat.
I've been a nail-biter my entire life (chewing on one as we speak) could take that up! But I wouldn't recommend it...the recently gnawed-on look isn't very attractive ;-)
Stop eating healthy food or use can use chemicals to burn them but both of those are stupid. Fast growing, healthy nails are a sign that your body as a whole is healthy.
you cant unless you want to throw off your normal body functions
cut them