Saturday, January 23, 2010

My dog's nail appears is cracked down to the quick...?

About a week ago we noticed our boxer female had cracked one of her nails. The crack runs lengthwise along the nail (starts at the tip and is cracked all the way back to where the nail is bedded in her paw). We are not sure how she did it. The crack started out narrow but appears to be slowly widening. She does not favor that paw and lets me handle the paw/toe without a fuss, but I am worried about infection (she occasionally licks it at it but no more than she licks at her other paws). She has an appointment with the vet on Monday but is there anything I can do in the mean time to prevent infection?My dog's nail appears is cracked down to the quick...?
This may sound weird but you could use supper glue in the crack, so it wont break farther. It will also keep dirt from getting into the crack.

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