Buy her a teeny-weeny rodent manicure set and some gift vouchers for Champney's spa.How can i get my hamster to file down her teeth and nails?
Boy! This guy racks up votes for inane answers like he has 8 or 10 Yahoo IDs. How many do you have, CLHS?
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put a block of wood [ buy it from petco/smart just to make sure its animal safe] and it will knaw on it and its teeth will get filed down. with his nails, you either have to learn how to clip them without cutting the quick [the red/pink part inside the nails] for it is filled with many nerve endings and will hurt him if you cut it.
OR take him to a vet and have his nails clipped, it should be extremely inexpensive.
good luck%26lt;3
Put a rough surface like a granite rock for her to climb on in her cage to solve the nail problem. Hamsters usually regulate the length of their teeth by themselves, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. You should also make sure that your soap doesn't have a scent that is very strong or that could be appetizing to your little hamster. You should also consider the possibility that she isn't fully tamed. Does she seem to be aggressive or hungry when she bites you?
sound to me like your doing everything your supposed to do, hampsters do bite sometimes,but she could have a dental problem that is preventing her from grooming herslf. DO NOT PUT HER IN A BATH. they have dry shampoo if she needs cleaning but if you keep her cage very clean they will clean themselves,the cage needs cleaned daily for one if more than one in a cage, 2x a day
I'm not sure about the nails, but I do know that she isn't biting you because her teeth are too long. it's because she's uncomfortable. when I got my first hamster, she bit like crazy. then a week later she had 2 babies and stopped doing that.
When she bites ya she's probably just trying to figure out who u r. Some hamsters figure who u r by smelling or biting. As for her nails u can put a gentle sand paper where she walks in her cage. It works.
I don't know about hamsters but my guinea pigs love to chew on apple bark, you could try that. Replace it when all the bark is gone.
get her gnawing materials
i would recommend pets at home stuff.
that's where i get mine from
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