Easy. Nine Inch Nails. They are a great band and have some very catchy songs.Nine Inch Nails vs System of a Down?
Is that even a question? Nine Inch Nails. Trent Renzor is a genius when it comes to innovation, and reinventing himself.
I don't know.
Nine Inch Nails is amazing.
But SOAD is good too.
I pick
Nine Inch Nails
Just because I like the music more.
Nine Inch Nails
ditto to Hand That Feeds. SOAD is good, but NIN is a one man creative force.
Is this even a question?
Nine inch nails!!!
The talent of Rezner is just amazing.
Nine Inch Nails by far.
Nine Inch Nails
for all the people that are saying SOAD: is SOAD a one man band thats made classic albums?
Nine Inch Nails
Nine Inch Nails :)
NIN by far!
System of a Down no contest
Too close, but Nine Inch Nails
by far is Nine Inch Nails :P
System of a Down
System of a Down =D
System of a Down
System of a Down
System of a Down
System of a Down.
Nine Inch Nails. To be honest I haven't actually heard any SOAD songs, but everyone I know slags them off so.....yeah....
Ugh I don't like either:) I say Nine inch Nails
System of a Down.......m
system of a down
You got two great, creative and experienced bands which are both good song writers and live performers.
System a Down are a band where all members contribute to the songs and all have strong musical knowledge.They have created there own sound and once they come out of hiatus I have no doubt they will deliver another great album.
Nine inch Nails are a 1 man band (other than live) that as good as they are, only ever came out with one memorable album. I am talking about the Downward spiral although I even find that hard to listen to as I am no longer in the mood for listening to it. It is much more heavy music lyrically and musically speaking and much more of an aquired taste.
I rarely listen to either these days but I am much more likely to look out for the next System album as I know it will be of a high standard unlike many Nine Inch Nails albums.
They are both good but system wins.
System of a Down
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