Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How fo i handle my big toe nail growing down in the side of my toe?

My big toe nail is curved straight down. it goes so deep in the skin on the side that i can barely get to it to clip it. last time i filed it down and took the clippers and cut the tip of it off on the side but i had to use tweezers just to pull it out and if felt good for a long time until it grew back. when it grows back it grows right back in the side. hurts like heck when i jamm it into something or someone steps on it. what can i do, i can't afford to go to the doctor.How fo i handle my big toe nail growing down in the side of my toe?
same thing happened to me all you have to do is soak it in warm water with Epsom salt, for 15 minutes. after try to tweeze it out. if this doesn't work then get the clippers and remove some of the extra skin around the edges of the nail. then tweeze it out. it may hurt a tiny bit the first time but if you repeat this every time it starts hurting in a week it will start to grow correctly.How fo i handle my big toe nail growing down in the side of my toe?
well i hope everything works out!

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You need to trim it square aka straight across and then take a piece of a cotton ball and stick that under the toenail where it curves in. Change it when it gets wet aka after a shower.
Go to a Podiatrist.... and He or She... WILL REMOVE... your Toe Nail.... and it should.... GROW BACK.... PROPERLY!

Thanks for Asking! RR
You may have to get your nails trimmed by a podiatrist. You have an ingrown nail, which can get very badly infected by going to a regular nail salon.
My husband uses the clippers to cut a V shape in the top/center of the nail. He claims it helps pull the sides in when it grows.
Soak your foot in some warm water. Ingrown toe nails can hurt alot, I know. Clip the nail again an file it, but keep it clipped. Check it every week. If it's starting to grow back, clip it again and file it.

If it's persistant, try and find a clinic where you are able to get it checked out or possibly get advise for little or no charge.
get a pedicure done every month, they help a lot.
Well it is tough to control an ingrown toenail. The best thing to do is cut the nail down the affected side until you can remove enough to take the pressure off the skin. It's a constant issue if you don't cut the nails on a regular basis. Best thing to do in my opinion is have the total nail removed and start again if you get repeated nail infections.

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